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Pet Essentials Warehouse Napier
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What is FELIWAY Friends?
Pheromones can help change emotional states or activate physiological effects in cats by inducing changes to the limbic system and hypothalamus. Mother cats naturally emit a pheromone message to their kittens after birth to help them feel safe and secure. This “harmony marker” helps maintain a harmonious bond between them.
The pheromone released by FELIWAY FRIENDS is a chemical copy (analogue) of the natural cat appeasing pheromone (C.A.P) released by mother cats from the intermammary sulcus during the nursing period.
After the mother gives birth, she sends “harmony messages” to her kittens. These messages, released in the mammary zone, are naturally appeasing and and ensure harmony between the kittens.
Your payment information is processed securely. We do not store credit card details nor have access to your credit card information.
What is FELIWAY Friends?
Pheromones can help change emotional states or activate physiological effects in cats by inducing changes to the limbic system and hypothalamus. Mother cats naturally emit a pheromone message to their kittens after birth to help them feel safe and secure. This “harmony marker” helps maintain a harmonious bond between them.
The pheromone released by FELIWAY FRIENDS is a chemical copy (analogue) of the natural cat appeasing pheromone (C.A.P) released by mother cats from the intermammary sulcus during the nursing period.
After the mother gives birth, she sends “harmony messages” to her kittens. These messages, released in the mammary zone, are naturally appeasing and and ensure harmony between the kittens.