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Pet Essentials Warehouse Napier
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The JW Pet ActiviToy Tip & Treat is a one-of-a-kind treat-dispensing bird toy for your pet bird to enjoy and will keep your bird mentally and physically stimulated. With a shiny mirrored backing to attract your bird, your bird will love seeing his reflection as he moves the rocking dispenser for the treats to fall out. It will dispense a treat when your bird makes it move with its beak or foot. Perfect for parakeets, cockatiels, budgies, and similar smaller sized birds.
Your payment information is processed securely. We do not store credit card details nor have access to your credit card information.
The JW Pet ActiviToy Tip & Treat is a one-of-a-kind treat-dispensing bird toy for your pet bird to enjoy and will keep your bird mentally and physically stimulated. With a shiny mirrored backing to attract your bird, your bird will love seeing his reflection as he moves the rocking dispenser for the treats to fall out. It will dispense a treat when your bird makes it move with its beak or foot. Perfect for parakeets, cockatiels, budgies, and similar smaller sized birds.